Holloway Painting

great house painters

Exterior Painting Cost, Explained

When contemplating painting the outside of a structure, there will be three important points that
determine the cost of the exterior painting job. The first point is usually the paint its self. Before
wondering about the cost of painting the exterior of your building, you should first decide on the
exterior paint color that is correct for you:

  • What exterior paint color appeals to you?
  • What is theme of the area?
  • How will the exterior paint color affect the value of the building?

When you find out what exterior paint color or colors are the best fit for you is when you can start
factoring in cost. Each exterior paint color will have an individual price. After you determine the price of
the paint, you combine it with the outside surface area of the building. Lastly, the quality of work will
affect the total cost of painting the exterior of the structure.


Exterior Painting Cost Summary

  1. The price of the exterior paint
  2. Your outside surface area
  3. The quality of work


Individual exterior paint colors all have their individual prices. However, your building and how its
exterior will look is very important, so you should focus on the paint color that is correct for you without
letting price decide. The cost of the exterior paint will be a small fraction when compared to the value of
your building or how much a great exterior paint job can increase its worth.

When you choose the right paint color for your building’s exterior, you can combine its price with the
outside surface area. The paint container label should have information on how much exterior surface
area it can cover. Measure the outside area that you want to paint and figure out how many containers
it will take to properly cover that exterior area. Now you will know how much it costs to paint the
exterior of an outside structure.

  • One gallon of paint covers approximately 350 square fee

Lastly and most importantly is the quality of work on your exterior paint job. As mentioned earlier, your
building is important. Its probably one of the most important things you own. Do not cut costs when it
comes to painting any building or structure on a property you own. If a painting service offers exterior
painting on the cheap, a cheap look is most likely what you’ll get. You defiantly get what you pay for.
When looking for a painting company to paint for you, focus on who is the best painter rather then what
the costs are. You will get value back tenfold with a great exterior paint job.